ezwin casino

EZWIN casino online-Can I have multiple accounts in EZWIN?How can I change my password in ezwin?What should I do if I forget my password?Can I change my display name in ezwin?,

EZWIN casino online

Can I have multiple accounts in EZWIN?How can I change my password in ezwin?What should I do if I forget my password?Can I change my display name in ezwin?

EZWIN casino online

1. Username: Enter a username consisting of 6 to 13 alphanumeric characters (e.g., EZWIN000, 456000, EZWIN, etc.). It can include only half-width alphanumeric characters. Note that the ID cannot be changed after registration, so make sure to remember it or keep a record of it.

2. Password: Enter a password consisting of 6 to 12 alphanumeric characters (e.g., EZWIN, 456000, etc.). It can include only half-width alphanumeric characters.

3. Password Confirmation: Re-enter the same password you entered above.

4. Mobile Number: Select your country code and enter your mobile number without hyphens.

5. Invitation Code: If you have been referred by someone with an invitation code, enter the code here. The invitation code corresponds to the referrer's user ID. If you don't have a referrer or invitation code, leave this field blank and proceed to step 6.

6. Verification Code: If a mathematical equation is displayed on the right side, enter the answer in the blank on the left side. If there is no equation, enter the number displayed on the right side into the blank on the left side.

7. Registration: If you see the message "Please enter correct user information," there is a mistake in your input. Please double-check and enter the correct information. If the entered information is correct, the registration will be completed.

EZWIN casino online